Tag: Repurpose

Upcycled Silver Tray, for Everyday Use

Upcycled Silver Tray, for Everyday Use

Posted via Jessica’s Blog www.jessicaramey.com Take a look-see at these glamorous trays. I’ve been busy creating like mad for Honeybee Boutique’s Spring Sale. Be sure to come out for a visit! Made from plated sliver plates, I simply attached some ribbon and added rhinestone magnets 

My Wild Garden

My Wild Garden

Posted via Jessica’s Blog www.jessicaramey.com I love gardening. Well, let me rephrase that. I love the idea of gardening. I love the color of seedlings poking through the dirt, I love the fresh produce that I know hasn’t been treated with anything other than fresh 

Tackle it Tuesday, Tackling Office Ugly

Tackle it Tuesday, Tackling Office Ugly

Posted via Jessica’s Blog. I wish I had a before picture for you. This chair was a mess. It had a gray woven cover that had holes all over the place from my old kitty that liked to sharpen it’s claws on the back. Needless to 

Tackle it Tuesday

Tackle it Tuesday

It’s not too hard to find projects to do in our 1920’s house. This weekend we fixed our leaking shower (only after a good hour of trying to remove a cartridge that just wouldn’t budge).  We are also trying to figure out a leak by 

Little Man’s Room Update

Little Man’s Room Update

I LOVE going to Estate Sales. I found some really cool finds to spruce up Little Man’s room and I thought I would share them with you. There’s nothing more fun than sharing treasures among friends. One of the items I picked up was an 

Upcycled Treasures

Upcycled Treasures

My super talented friend Sarah White and I are planning on hosting a show this fall full of upcycled treasures. For those of you who don’t know what upcycled means…it’s simply taking discarded items, spiffing them up, and giving them a new purpose. And instead 

Desk Redue

Desk Redue

If you know me at all, I love repurposing things! This desk has been in my life for twenty years now and who knows how old it is? My mom and I picked it out at a garage sale when I was in jr. high. 

Vintage Sheet Dress

Vintage Sheet Dress

Today was twin day at Little Missy’s school so I sent her to school sporting this cute vintage sheet dress I made for both her and her friend. I just love the design of the vintage sheet I found for a dollar at goodwill. There are 

I Heart Robots!

I Heart Robots!

We finally finished Mr. and Mrs. Robot and I think they are adorable. The kids and I had a blast picking out their body parts. For the base we used tins we found at a thrift store. For putting most of it together we used 

Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?

Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?

I’ve never stopped playing. Some play sports and get a rush, for some it’s coffee (although somedays that’s nice too), but I get my high creating and playing. Creating brings so much joy in my life, I just can’t stop. Yesterday I had fun playing 

Cargo Pants Repurposed

I had some Cargo Pants laying around that were too big. It’s so nice to write this since lately my pants are too tight! The pants were sitting around in the donate pile for awhile since I haven’t made a donation run in some time. 

Easy Sheet Music Wreath

This is a very simple and easy project. I cut some foam core for a base for the wreath. I didn’t even make it perfectly circular since I knew the music sheets would cover it up. Then I cut my music sheets down to a 

Sewing Recyle

Sewing Recyle

It is cold outside and rainy. It doesn’t feel like Spring at all here in gloomy Oregon. I needed a project to cheer me up! So yesterday I set off to Goodwill to find some materials. I decided to go to the “bins”. Have you 

Gallery Wall, A Magnetic Paint Mishap

Since my kiddos have started school, I find myself bombarded with their artwork and looking for ways to display it. We had nothing on our basement walls by the stairway, so I thought that my kids’ creations might be a perfect addition. I started off