Month: April 2011

Chicken on the Brain

We finally did it! After months of researching, talking to chicken owners, and debating coop designs, we added three baby chicks to our human flock. Let me present to you, Batty (aka Bat Girl), Honey, and Eve. These messy girls are such little dears. I’m 

Bunny Bait

I love inspiration. While looking through my inbox I saw this cute Easter project and thought I would share it with you and give you this free download  PDF label I made. Bake at 350 is simply amazing and so is this bunny bait! Here 

Homemade Therapy Putty

It’s called a lot of things, goo, goop, silly putty, therapy putty. But no matter what you call it, it’s super easy to make and lots of fun to play with. Purchasing therapy putty can be expensive, but, with a little time and effort, you 

Yurts so Good

We were looking forward to Yurting for awhile now. Little man kept asking, “are we going camping today”? We marked it on the calendar so he could keep track and Friday came before we knew it. We made a mad rush to get everything packed 

$50,000 bank acount

Drove up the the teller today and saw that someone forgot to take their receipt. The customer was long gone and curiosity got the best of me…I looked at the balance. $51,000 in checking. I wonder how much the person has in savings? I can’t