Month: September 2011

Shh, don’t tell anyone but Salem is beautiful

While walking downtown with my friend, we discovered a few things about Salem, Number One: It’s weird! I spied a man dressed in a three-piece suit coming out of his car. Surely that is not unusual, however in his car were numerous stuffed fish pillows. 

Sassy Soccer

Sometimes status quo is not good enough. Sure your team could look like every other team out there. Same uniform, same cleats, same socks. Or you can add some sass. And there is no better team building exercise than getting a bunch of 8-year-old girls 

DIY Simple Felt Banner II

I’ve shared this with readers of Lexoxo but realized I never shared it with you! Shame on me! So here you go friends…. Feel free to download the free pattern and instructions (PDF) here. 1. Print out the pattern and put over double folded felt 

DIY Banner

Want to get your message out? You need a banner! Sure you can buy vinyl banners, but there is something very commercial and impersonal about them. Time for a little DIY! These are the things I used to make my banner: Freezer paper Felt Acrylic 

Animal House Walking Tour

It’s about time I revealed something to you…I’m a geek. Yep I am. I’m curious about the world and find it interesting to research strange things. I’m also the type of person who watches a movie and notices the details. The wallpaper, the props, the 

Haunted Salem Zine

They’re creepy and they’re kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They’re all together ooky, The Haunted Salem Zine. I’ve done the dirty work for you. Visiting haunted sites, taking creepy pictures and getting goose bumps. Now the Haunted Salem Zine is complete and ready for your viewing