Sassy Soccer

Sometimes status quo is not good enough. Sure your team could look like every other team out there. Same uniform, same cleats, same socks. Or you can add some sass. And there is no better team building exercise than getting a bunch of 8-year-old girls creating in the studio.

So our team, the Diamonds, set out to create the unexpected and dressed up our uniforms a bit. Using the bedazzler, homemade appliques and funky hand-dyed trim, each team member created their own colorful look.


We started off making hair ribbons. These were super easy to make. Simply gather a bunch of different ribbons (about a foot long) and group them together. Then tie the ribbons to the hair elastic. Easy peasy right?

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For another project, we created embellished soccer socks. Simply sew the trim onto the sock using the sewing machine. If this trim looks familiar to you, yes I showed how to dye it any color you’d like earlier (check it out). Some girls could sew themselves, and others enjoyed using the foot peddle while an adult fed the sock to the needle.

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For more fun, we decided to make handmade appliques. These too are a chinch to make. First choose a fabric. Cut that and some heat and bond out. Iron the sticky (bumpy side) to the wrong side of the fabric. Take off the paper backing. Then make an applique sandwich, ironing that to the garmet. To make sure the appliques stay on and not fray, I like to sew a mini zigzag stitch


I like how their socks look like garters. The girls had so much fun, now I can’t wait to see them out on the feild looking sassy on game day! Goooooo Diamonds!

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