Month: November 2009

Time for Paperwhites

Time for Paperwhites

Now is a great time to purchase Paperwhites. These bulbs are one of the few that don’t need to be chilled in order to grow indoors and they look great when grown for the holidays. They really help bring the outside in when no other 

Lovely Lunch

Lovely Lunch

I had a wonderful lunch with my son today. It was a quiet, cold day and he requested alphabet soup for lunch. We made it together and had a blast finding the letters for the words we thought up. Some of his words included: batman, 

First Piano Recital

First Piano Recital

Little Missy had her first piano recital last weekend. I was so proud of her! She was a bit nervous, so we went early so she could get use to the stage and grand piano. She was the first up and did a great job.

Movable Art Jewelry

Movable Art Jewelry

I’ve been busy making some of my movable jewelry.  Lately I’ve had lots of ideas in my head and finally have the time to try them out. Let me know what you think! The first item I’ve been thinking about is a home shaped pin.