Month: February 2012

Radioactive Rocks

Some of you know that I’ve been busy with a side project of producing a theatrical, post-apoc radio show, Radioactive Report. Well up to now it’s been a podcast but we are hoping to change all of that. After a fantastic training at KMUZ, our 

Community Craft Night Photos

    Did you know once a month in Salem I host a Community Craft Night that is free and open to the public? I tote all my supplies from the studio, stuffing my decoupaged suitcases full of crafty goodness to share with others. All 

Academy Award Paint by Number Movie Posters

Are you planning an Academy Award party? These paint by number movie sheets would be cool decorations or simply print up and hand out as favors. There is a black and white version that you’ll use as your canvas and the color version to use 

Community Craft Night: Tape Transfer Bookmarks

Come get crafty at Community Craft Night at Clockworks Cafe! This month we will be making magazine transfer bookmarks. I’ll host the event bringing my supplies and the Culture Shock Community Project sponsors these each month. Supplies provided but feel free to bring a magazine 

Kiddo Valentines

I mustache you a question… Will you be my Valentine? This was so simple to do. I started by purchasing black felt with a sticker back. I cut out a mustache and asked my kids to pose so I could get pictures. I then designed 

Hand Stitched Bookmark, Reading is Sexy

I love making handmade birthday gifts. They don’t have to be expensive but the time and the thought always means a lot to friends and family (well most of them 🙂 ) So when my sweet book-loving friend had a birthday coming up I pulled 

George Clooney Paint by Number, Academy Awards 2012

Are you excited for the 84th annual Academy Awards? I know I am! There are so many great films out there, I thought I would get a little creative and share something fun with you. Mixing a childhood favorite of mine and the always charming