Tag: Tackle it Tuesday

Making Potion Necklaces

I’m so excited to be a part of the first ever DIY Studio party. I will be out on location at Leah’s Spooktacular Birthday and the birthday girl requested that I lead the efforts of making special potion necklaces. With that in mind, I’ve set 

Cut, Fold, Staple….Tackle it Tuesday

Cut, Fold, Staple….Tackle it Tuesday

My Tackle it Tuesday today is getting everything ready for the Salem Zine Scene Workshop tomorrow. There is so much to do. Little Missy was kind to help me assemble the zines today. Come by tomorrow and get two free zines by participating in the 

Tackle it Tuesday-Tips for a Killer Garage Sale

Tackle it Tuesday-Tips for a Killer Garage Sale

If you are like me you’ve got lots of treasures (read junk) hanging around and cluttering your closets, drawers and garage. Why give your items a new home where someone will love it while making some extra cash? Here are some of my tips for 

Tackle it Tuesday, Waste Not…

Tackle it Tuesday, Waste Not…

Salem is moving in the right direction. I recently received a flyer from my disposal service, Allied Waste Services. Starting July 5th, we’ll be able to put all food waste in our yard debris bins (now coined Mixed Organics Carts). I am thrilled! When we moved into our updated 

Tackle it Tuesday-Shearing a Sofa

Tackle it Tuesday-Shearing a Sofa

Do you have furniture that looks like this? Ours has been attacked by our cat. When we moved into our house two years ago we bought new furniture. And a month later, it was shredded. Cat scratch fever ran rampant in our household. As much 

Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday

Published from Jessica’s Blog, http://www.northwestnest.com My much neglected vintage Etsy store, NorthwestNest is getting an update today. I’m adding some vintage grab bags of beads, costume jewelry, some collage grab bags, as well as some mega trim bundles. Check them out! Also remember, pick up 

Tackle it Tuesday–Green Cleaning my Car

Tackle it Tuesday–Green Cleaning my Car

Posted via Jessica’s Blog www.jessicaramey.com Gone are the days of simply cleaning up after myself. When my husband and I were first married we kept our car neat and tidy. Now, after having two children, I feel more like an archeologist sifting through layers of 

Tackle it Tuesday- Making a Canvas Banner

Tackle it Tuesday- Making a Canvas Banner

Posted via Jessica’s Blog: www.jessicaramey.com Want a fun banner that will last for years to come? But you can’t paint you say? And you’re not so great at sewing? This project is easy and will add pizzazz to any party. 1. The first thing to 

Tackle it Tuesday- Controlling the Clutter

Tackle it Tuesday- Controlling the Clutter

Posted via Jessica’s Blog www.jessicaramey.com I can always tell by the look of my house how busy we are. When things are calm, our house looks presentable, the surfaces are clean, and chaos is under control. But more often than I’d like to admit, our 

Tackle it Tuesday, Tackling Office Ugly

Tackle it Tuesday, Tackling Office Ugly

Posted via Jessica’s Blog. I wish I had a before picture for you. This chair was a mess. It had a gray woven cover that had holes all over the place from my old kitty that liked to sharpen it’s claws on the back. Needless to 

Tackle it Tuesday- Getting Ready for the Sale

Tackle it Tuesday- Getting Ready for the Sale

Ah, it’s Spring Break! It’s nice to have some time to work on projects and spend time with the kiddos rather than hauling them to and fro. This week I’m focusing on getting some upcyled projects done for the upcoming spring Honeybee Boutique Sale. May 

Tackle it Tuesday–Email Overload

Tackle it Tuesday–Email Overload

Today I decided to tackle my digital clutter…my inbox. My email inbox is inundated with subscriptions for far too many business newsletters, notifications and spam. And today I unsubscribed from all the businesses that I could.  Mostly, I found unsubscribe links at the bottom of 

Tackle it Tuesday—Deep Cleaning the Carpets

Tackle it Tuesday—Deep Cleaning the Carpets

Posted via Jessica’s Blog at www.jessicaramey.com My number one challenge as a mom is keeping things clean.  I find no pleasure in cleaning. Yes I love it when it’s clean, I just don’t like being the person who has to clean, wipe and disinfect. Keeping 

Tackle it Tuesday, Tales of a Clothing Huntress

Tackle it Tuesday, Tales of a Clothing Huntress

Spotting the clearance rack, my heart pounds, my palms sweat, and my feet move me swiftly to my target. I scan quickly for a tag which reveals my reward. I am ruthless and cunning, I am the Clothing Huntress! Okay, back to reality. One of