Tag: kids

Thank You Cards

Thank You Cards

Jan 5, 4-5:30pm A small thank you goes a long way – especially when it’s hand made and from the heart. We will create thank you cards from reused materials to show our appreciation for gifts received this holiday season or just because. $8 members, 

Trashion Contest

Trashion Contest

DIY Studio is thrilled to provide an opportunity for ages 12 to adult to use their design skills to create and exhibit a recycled/reused garment created from items that would otherwise be thrown in the trash. Many thanks to Straub Environmental Center for sponsoring this event and the 

August Classes and Workshops

We’ve got a lot of fun planned for you this month! DIY Studio is the place where you can focus on creating and feel good about the resources you create with. We take care of everything! From acquiring supplies, providing ample room, as well as 

Royal Reuse Rumble

The boy birthday is a different sort of animal. There’s usually lots of energy, competition, curiosity, excitement, and hands on activities. So when my friend Becky said she was considering hosting her sports loving son’s birthday at DIY Studio, we got excited. She told me 

Block printing with Stryrofoam

Okay we all know Stryrofoam is bad…super bad. The National Bureau of Standards Center for Fire Research (http://www.highcountryconservation.org/pdf/The%20Facts%20on%20Styrofoam.pdf) found 57 chemical by-products released during the creation of Styrofoam. Yet Stryrofoam is everywhere, so if we get it in the form of packaging, we might as 

13 Nights of Halloween, Community Craft

Okay all you Salemites, how many of you have heard of Culture Shock’s 13 Nights of Halloween? Timed perfectly for the dark, dank nights of October, this event (err series of events) is something worth celebrating. There is excitement planned for everyone whether you seek 

Kiddo Valentines

I mustache you a question… Will you be my Valentine? This was so simple to do. I started by purchasing black felt with a sticker back. I cut out a mustache and asked my kids to pose so I could get pictures. I then designed 

Sassy Soccer

Sometimes status quo is not good enough. Sure your team could look like every other team out there. Same uniform, same cleats, same socks. Or you can add some sass. And there is no better team building exercise than getting a bunch of 8-year-old girls 

Olson Farms Tour

Inspired by my friend Angela, I set up some summer tours for kiddos. And our first tour was a big success. While other families were turned away because of the rain, we got VIP treatment and were lucky enough to have Stuart Olson of Olson 

Chicken Coop De Ville

Our girls are getting bigger and a bit awkward looking.  They went from this to this: They are learning to fly and even fly out of their brooder at night. So now is the time for me to get the coop ready. We’ve decided to 

Fieldtrip with Friends, Fessler Nursery and Bauman’s Farm

Sometimes I’m lucky enough to experience a magical day. I’ve been friends with these ladies since our oldest children attended preschool together, five years now. We each have two children and right now our youngest all go to different schools so it’s wonderful when they 

Peas if you Please, a Simple Veggie Trellis

Ah, spring is here! Can you see it past all of this rain? Time to start getting the garden ready. I’ve been a busy gal pulling mint, crab grass, and crazy strawberries that have run amok. Never again will I plant mint unless in containers. 

History of Letterboxing

After learning of the history, the term Letterboxing makes a bit more sense. Picture yourself circa 1845 England. You are a dandy, Victorian chap named James Perrott and you place a bottle and your calling card in an obscure and difficult to find location at 

One Sick Bunch

We are all pathetic and sick in our house. Little Man lead the epidemic with a three night bought of croup, followed by pink eye and now just overall grumpiness and congestion. And the Mr. and I are feeling it as well. Soar muscles, fevers