Tag: garden

Matisse in the Garden

Matisse in the Garden

Want to learn more about mixing paint? How about a fun, creative experience in a lovely historic garden? I’ve teamed up with the awesome folks a the Lord and Schryver Conservancy to offer this exciting class at Gaiety Hollow. Matisse in the Garden May 19, 

Fieldtrip with Friends, Fessler Nursery and Bauman’s Farm

Sometimes I’m lucky enough to experience a magical day. I’ve been friends with these ladies since our oldest children attended preschool together, five years now. We each have two children and right now our youngest all go to different schools so it’s wonderful when they 

Peas if you Please, a Simple Veggie Trellis

Ah, spring is here! Can you see it past all of this rain? Time to start getting the garden ready. I’ve been a busy gal pulling mint, crab grass, and crazy strawberries that have run amok. Never again will I plant mint unless in containers. 

DIY Organic Veggie Garden, Step One: Planning

The cold, Canadian air is moving down into the valley this week. The kids are giddy at the possibility that school may be canceled. I too am happy. A snow day means more time for me to play. Surely I’ll play with the kids, cozy 

Busy Backyard

Paver Patio We’ve been busy! Last weekend we put in a paver patio and added rock to our side yard. After the digging, hauling, weeding, and sweat we got it done and love the new look. Our first step was figuring out what material to