Earring Making Birthday Party and Camera Mishap
Another awesome birthday party at DIY Studio. My friend Angela set up this birthday party for her 8th grade niece and her friends. I greet them at the door, put down my camera to shake hands, and the next thing I know my camera throws itself onto the concert floor, sprawling out like a dead corpse. Ugh, great way to make a first impression right? The girls gasp in horror (I do love how girls are always so compelled to feel for others with sighs and ohs and ahhs) and I reassure them that it will be okay. I continue to greet them and then check the camera…not turning on. Oh great….
The girls seat themselves at the table and before them are a colorful assortment of beads making a rainbow down the middle of the table. I go over all the specifics about making earrings detailed in the Earbob Zine I made and describe the tools needed which are also laid out on their silver trays before them. We talk about scale, shape, color and balance of earrings. And then I show them how to make a loop (the most difficult part) so we can attach the ear wire to make earrings. Each girl practices away with great skill and then moves on to make her first pair of earrings.
It was amazing to see the clever concoctions these girls came up with. Especially since they came to the studio after a slumber party…staying up till 5am. Note to sell: try creating more being sleep deprived…can lead to more creative ideas. And sometime when the girls started pumping out earrings like a manufacturing facility, I checked on my camera. I picked up it’s mangled body and got to work. Nope wouldn’t turn on, so I removed the battery and put it back in…same with the memory card. Check power…..it turned out! Hallelujah praise the Lord, my Canon didn’t fail me. It was working again.
I’m sorry to the girls for not getting too many pictures taken, but I really enjoyed creating and teaching them how to make earrings. Some girls left with a whopping 7 pairs to add to their collection, and possibly wear to the dance. I’d be interested to see which ones they pick for a magical night of dancing, beaded earrings swaying to the rhythm of Justin Bieber’s singing. Goodness, I feel old!
A Earring Zine and guidebook to making earrings by Jessica Ramey