Tag: Make it Monday

It’s not too late to Register

I’m sitting in my living room, sweater on, sipping warm tea, and watching golden leaves float from the trees. I am simply giddy knowing that Fall is here and All Hallow’s Eve is right around the corner. I can’t think of a better way to 

Makeover Monday, a Lamp Update

You’re in for a special treat today. You’ll not only see this lamp makeover but you’ll get a sneak peak of my new studio space. Remember this old lamp? We’ll I think it needed a bit of an update. The green was cool but some 

Make it Monday-Collage Using Basic Design

Tomorrow I’m teaching my first instructional class at Clockworks/C4. Hope you can join me! You don’t have be an expert in drawing or even consider yourself an artist to collage but you will need to have a sense of adventure. But don’t fear, I will