Tackle it Tuesdays

In hopes of encouraging myself to post more as well as get things done around the house, I’m going to blog about “Tackle it Tuesdays” every week. I’ll show you before and after pictures and keep you updated how the project is going.

To kick off “Tackle it Tuesday” this week, I thought BIG! Now let me tell you, I try to appear organized, well prepared, and presentable, but really….I’m a very messy person. I HATE cleaning, despise making my bed and have a hard time following systems. I love having things clean and tidy but would much rather jump right into another project rather than cleaning up after myself. So there, you see my vulnerable underbelly. I’ve revealed my huge flaw.

Stay with me now, if you can. If you have a weak stomach though, you may want to look away. What I’m going to reveal may shock you or even make you feel ill. Are you ready?  …………



The Storage Room, dah, dah, DAAAHHH!

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Isn’t this just a horrible mess? One of the reasons why we bought our 1920’s home was that it had lots of storage for such an old house. There is tons of storage in the garage, a large closet in the basement and this big walk in closet in the basement as well.  So you think we’d be organized right? Wrong. This is the space we throw everything we don’t know what else to do with. It’s supposed to house fabric, extra entertaining gadgets and cooler, wrapping paper and picture frames. Instead it has been packed full with crap (sorry, I can’t think of a better word for it right now).

It took me the better half of the day cleaning this out and organizing. I found fabric I forgot about, my business cards that I have been missing and other random junk. Here’s what I have now…

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Organized Fabric by type and color. So much better!

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And a FLOOR! Isn’t that amazing? Now my shipping supplies are organized. I wish I would have done a long time ago!