Beginning Blogging Class at Clockworks

I strong-armed my hubby so I could attend the Beginning Blogging class taught by the incredibly cool Emily Grosvenor of Desperately Seeking Salem . I’ve been following her blog and witty commentary for awhile now and she’s up there pretty high on my women of high regard list (note to self, post this list soon).  Finally, I was able to meet her and gain some pearls of wisdom.

One of the questions she posed was why do we want to blog? Sitting back in my chair at class, I thought this question was very similar to the questions you ask yourself when making a business plan. But I’ve never thought of a blog like a business. I’ve been posed the question before by friends who are leery of the public format, but I haven’t really thought about it much.

I started my journey blogging in February of 2008. Then (as well as now) I wanted to share some projects that I had with friends and family. I was mommy to a 5 and 2 year old and feeling a bit taken over by kids and the life of a mom. I had just started painting again and wanted a place to share my art with others. This was a big deal to me since typically I hid my creative projects in closets and was just getting comfortable hanging my paintings up on the walls of my home.

Tired of meeting people at parties or reconnecting with people only to see their wincing expression when I told them what I did
”I’m a stay-at-home mom”, I wanted to show the world who I was. I was determined I wouldn’t become the mommy who spent years raising her children and investing in her child’s development while slowing losing her sense of self.  With those reasons in my mind, I started blogging.

I continue to blog for those same reasons and a few more. I didn’t realize how giddy I would feel when connecting to strangers who liked what I created. Sure people haven’t flocked to my blog and I don’t have a huge following, but I cherish each comment that is posted by readers like you. I feel blessed to have the time to document my little life. It’s a journey I’m glad I’ve taken and I’m so thankful you’ve come along with me!

For those of you who missed Emily’s class, head on over to Clockworks July 12th for another Beginning Blogging class. This time I’ll let my husband join the fun.