Tag: news



Art Exhibit, February 28-March 17 Reception, Saturday, March 9, noon-3pmBush Barn Art Center600 Mission St SE, Salem, OR 97302 Explore the complexities of consumption and how our everyday choices impact the environment. Through the use of augmented reality, you’ll discover the value of reduction and 

Bucket List

Bucket List

I’d like the be the kind of person who uses every page of a notebook, dates the entry and bundles notebooks in chronological order. I am not that person. I am the kind of person who haphazardly looks for any sort of old envelope or 

News Alert: DIY Studio is closing the Creative Reuse Brick and Mortar Store

News Alert: DIY Studio is closing the Creative Reuse Brick and Mortar Store

Last night the board voted to close the Creative Reuse Brick and Mortar Store. Below are a few answers to some questions that many of you might have. Why are you closing the store? The board took a great deal into consideration before making its 

Great Press

Have you picked up your lasted copy of Salem Weekly or read Willamette Live online? We’ll inside you’ll find a fabulous article about DIY Studio! It’s our first press for the creative reuse center and this is just the beginning! Make sure you pick up