I sold my first movable necklace this last week and got feedback from the new owner.
“What a beautiful little masterpiece! I am so delighted with it!” and then “Everyone loves it! These are fabulous and so unique…can’t wait to see more designs!”
I’m so very happy when something I have made can make someone else happy! And how I really do love my movable little necklaces. So much so that I often imagine myself in the little scene I create. How fun it is to make little objects move and create little scenes that capture a moment in time. I find the process truly magical and feel so lucky to be able to spend time making them!
I also want to share with you these little guys…
Aren’t these deer just the cutest? My friend Cheryl from Tinker’s Shop gave me these as a present. How little and delicate they are! Hubby thinks I should make a Palin style hunting diorama necklace with them, but I don’t know if I have the heart. I could part with the buck and make a “killer” pendant and maybe a “keeper” pendant with the other? I’ll let you know the outcome of these sweet little deer.
Also I have some items listed on Etsy. Items range from $4 earrings to more expensive necklaces and paintings. Also pick up is free so if you live close and want something, let me know!