Porcelaine 150 paint

I’ve wanted to share with you a great find. Porcelaine 150 paint can be used on china, porcelain, tile, metal, and ceramics and it can be found your local Michaels store. Simply paint it on, wait 24hrs to dry, and then fire in your oven at 300°F for 30 minutes for a finish that’s as permanent as baked enamel. Once baked, the paint is microwave, and dishwasher safe, and resistant to solvents and UV rays. Plus since Porcelaine 150 is water based, you can easily mix the paint to make different colors and clean up is a cinch. Here’s a few projects that I’ve made with the paint. Give it a try, it’s super fun!

Plain tea cups are jazzed with black initials. No worries if you have bad handwriting, simply print your design to size on the computer and use carbon paper to copy it onto your cup. Carbon paper can still be found in office supply stores, usually by the typewriters.

This bowl was made as a gift for friends who were moving to Texas. Each kiddo got a painted bowl as a memento with their friends and his/her name on it.

I wanted to make house numbers that were funky and original. By using tiles that I got at a garage sale and a salvaged cabinet door, I made a cool plaque for my house. Now I just need to actually put it up outside.

Using the same tiles I’ve also made coasters. My children have made a set and I’ve painted a set as well. Just make sure you paint the edges of the tile to make it look finished and add cork backing so it won’t scratch your furniture. These make perfect gifts for grandparents too!