Exposing my Inner Geek
Okay, I trust you enough to admit a wee little obsession of mine. It’s actually totally geeky and I used to laugh at my husband for playing the game, but I am now hooked on Civilization IV. Actually there are so many things about it I really like. For those of you who aren’t nerds and have never played this game, Civilization is a strategy computer game where you are trying to build an empire that endures attacks from barbarians, and other civilizations, while trying to obtain technologies and culture as fast as possible. What I really like about the game is that it takes you throughout time from the start of the world to the space race. So there is a lot of history reveled. So it’s kind of like Sim City or the Sims but you are trying to build a country. Anyway, so I think it’s fun and my hubby even has it networked so I can play on the laptop and he can play against me on the basement computer.
So he was messing around on the computer and noticed in the game files there are mp3s. The opening song from the game, Baba Yetu, was on there so he burned it onto a CD for me. Let me tell you the song rocks! Please, really, I know I sound like a big nerd, but check it out! Apparently after doing a goole search I saw that Christopher Tin the composer of the song won the 2006 GANG Award for Best Original Vocal Song for Baba Yetu. So I’m not the only one who finds it amazing. Check it out at Christopher’s website. He is an amazing composer!