Tag: photo

Cereal Box Pinhole Camera Class

Cereal Box Pinhole Camera Class

3/24, 6pm Kick off spring break by learning how to make a fun toy camera out of reuse materials, ages 12 and up. Taught by photographer Lisa Miller, adults and kids are welcome to come build and decorate their own working 35mm camera, and learn 

Autumn Bliss

What a fun day Little Man and I had! We took a trip with preschool to the pumpkin patch. We hitched a ride on the wagon, hunted for pumpkins, picked apples, and then searched our way through the corn maze. We also had some yummy 

Photography Fun

Today I’m taking some pictures, trying to see what I get. After moving, I received a beautiful orchid from a friend, and it’s really doing well. So I choose to take numerous pictures of the plant. Here’s what I’ve come up with. Let me know