Tag: fun

Kids Club DIY Kickoff

Kids Club DIY Kickoff

2/15, 2:00-3:00pm We are kicking off the first DIY.org kids club in Salem Oregon. This exciting opportunity allows children to explore their interests, meet others who share the same passions,  get their hands dirty, and generally be awesome. Visit DIY Studio to learn more about 

Crafternoon Delight: Valentines

Crafternoon Delight: Valentines

2/12, noon – 1:oopm Create Valentines with reuse materials to show you care about your sweetie and the environment. Or if you’d rather express your dark side, come create anti-valentines. We aim to please! RSVP required: http://diystudio.net/create/. $10 non-member, $8 members.

After School Special: Valentines

After School Special: Valentines

2/5, 4:00pm-5:30pm It’s always a mad rush to get Valentines ready before the special day…DIY Studio to the rescue! Children 8 and older are invited to create earth-friendly Valentines, learn simple techniques, and put those skills into action to create enough to share with classmates. 

Reuse Challenge: Tuna Can

Reuse Challenge: Tuna Can

2/1 – 2/22, FREE! Each month DIY Studio hosts a Reuse Challenge to encourage creatives to rethink and reimagine. February’s challenge must include a tuna can. Post your photos of your recreation by midnight Feb, 22 on our timeline. The participant who earned the most 

Crafternoon Delight

Crafternoon Delight

Join us November 7th (paper medallions), and 21st (earrings) for some crafternoon delight. Visit on your lunch break to whip up a delicious craft. For the month of November we’ll focus on crafts that make fabulous gifts. $10 instruction and $5 supply cost, ($15 non-members, $10 members) 

13 Nights of Halloween, Community Craft

Okay all you Salemites, how many of you have heard of Culture Shock’s 13 Nights of Halloween? Timed perfectly for the dark, dank nights of October, this event (err series of events) is something worth celebrating. There is excitement planned for everyone whether you seek 

We’re Going Postal

I found myself in a predicament. My 7 year-old son dislikes writing! It’s like pulling teeth to get him to sit down and write a couple of words. Whining, clenched teeth, and overall grumpiness would ensue. So I came up with an idea…he could write 

George Clooney Paint by Number, Academy Awards 2012

Are you excited for the 84th annual Academy Awards? I know I am! There are so many great films out there, I thought I would get a little creative and share something fun with you. Mixing a childhood favorite of mine and the always charming 

Olson Farms Tour

Inspired by my friend Angela, I set up some summer tours for kiddos. And our first tour was a big success. While other families were turned away because of the rain, we got VIP treatment and were lucky enough to have Stuart Olson of Olson 

Photo Booth Fun

The carnival was so much fun! I created this simple photo booth with a few props, a few sheets and a hula hoop. It was great fun and the kiddos seemed to love it. This photo booth idea would be a fantastic experience for a 


We are a family without a sled. It’s sad but true and after watching other kids walk (read slide) down our street pulling sleds behind them, I wondered what we could use instead of running out and purchasing one. It’s been such a mess on 

Trick-or-treating Fun

Little Man was thoughtful enough to match his belt to Missy’s dress.

Little Missy’s Bird Nest

Today was crazy hair day at school. We were told to not let our kiddos wear coustums, however they could make their hair crazy, as long as it wasn’t too distracting. Well, being the Halloween-loving mom that I am, Little Missy and I came up