Tag: city

Shh, don’t tell anyone but Salem is beautiful

While walking downtown with my friend, we discovered a few things about Salem, Number One: It’s weird! I spied a man dressed in a three-piece suit coming out of his car. Surely that is not unusual, however in his car were numerous stuffed fish pillows. 

Coop Complete

It was a long weekend but we got the coop done. Our kiddos are always bored to death when we work on our projects. After building a fence the weekend before and then the coop, I think next weekend we will take it easy and 

Chicken on the Brain

We finally did it! After months of researching, talking to chicken owners, and debating coop designs, we added three baby chicks to our human flock. Let me present to you, Batty (aka Bat Girl), Honey, and Eve. These messy girls are such little dears. I’m