Tag: food

Olson Farms Tour

Inspired by my friend Angela, I set up some summer tours for kiddos. And our first tour was a big success. While other families were turned away because of the rain, we got VIP treatment and were lucky enough to have Stuart Olson of Olson 

DIY Organic Veggie Garden, Step One: Planning

The cold, Canadian air is moving down into the valley this week. The kids are giddy at the possibility that school may be canceled. I too am happy. A snow day means more time for me to play. Surely I’ll play with the kids, cozy 

Lovely Lunch

Lovely Lunch

I had a wonderful lunch with my son today. It was a quiet, cold day and he requested alphabet soup for lunch. We made it together and had a blast finding the letters for the words we thought up. Some of his words included: batman, 

Delicious Gift

My friend Jen gave my family the yummiest gift. Hungarian Apple Cake. Not only was it delicious, but it was gorgeous as well. Jen also put together a fragrant bundle of “Aroma of Christmas” which totally made me smile! In the bag was a bunch 

A Wonderful Time of Year

This Christmas was filled with family, good food, and laughs. The Ramey family got together and we stuffed ourselves silly. We celebrated Little Missy’s Birthday which was on Christmas Eve. We even played guitar hero and Apples to Apples. Apples to Apples was easy and